Sunday, September 19, 2010

Democracy and Video

Dan Mills has sent a posting about a video and relates it to issues of democracy in America. HOwever there is no link to the video or a title or a URL. It must be a fairly new one about the second world war. See if you can find it if you are interested and let me and others know. Before I post an excerpt from his email, I will say that it dovetails with my thoughts about closed board meetings- an issue I am dealing with currently. How many of you are in an organization that has closed board meetings? Do you feel excluded from a process that you are a party to nonetheless? What do you think/feel about it? Are closed meetings the norm in Nova Scotia? Do you wish to change the "closed" meetings to open ones? Or do you not mind because _____ fill in the blanks. You can post to the blog or send me an email at From blogger.

Here's an excerpt from Dan Mill's email: "Like most other humans,I've shed my share of tears and am unashamed to say so.....I often wondered if I had any left to shed! But just now I rec'd this video from my bro -and despite our mutual love, we don't always see 'eye-to-eye' on issues of the day.....But 'brothers/sisters' wether of blood,nationality, community, and culture need not be afraid to be "open books" one to the other, for that is what "builds a living, vibrant Democracy." Healthy-open-objective-dialogue- and not the closed door betrayer of democracy we so often are forced to live today...:

Community Meeting with Police

via Linda Gregory:

Subject: Meeting with police

Hello All,

Wanted to let you know there will be a meeting to discuss concerns with the RCMP

Also any questions, concerns or opinions anyone would like to discuss with me

Wed Sept 22/10


Digby Neck Con. School

Sandy Cove

Lull in Posts

I'm sorry for the lull in posts, recently. My mother became seriously ill and has died. It has been a topsy turvy and sad time. Your blogger, Kathleen
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