Monday, April 27, 2009

Natural Beekeeping


Begin forwarded message:From: Klaus Langpohl

Klaus Langpohl

Environmentalist/Artist Beekeeper

Box 34 Gilberts Cove Nova Scotia BOW 2RO



Activity Theme:

Visual Art

Natural Interpretation and Environmental Awareness

Agro-organic Living

Families, everyone

FitnessLevel: moderate (standing for demo)

Duration: under 2 hours

Maximum number of participants I could accommodate per session - no limit

Distance from Digby l6 kms. Hwy 1, 8l2l Barton, NS

Cannot be hosted at the Pines

Available to host my experience (minimum participation - 4 adults)

Cost: $15.00 per adult

Children l6 years and under - FREE

experience description:

For the past two years Klaus has been studying the biology and history of bees
and beekeeping. As an environmentalist
and a member of the UNESCO designated Southwest Nova Biosphere Reserve
he decided in the Spring of 2008 to respond to the local environmental
association's,( TREPA) request for people to
commit to a project which would help the environment. His commitment is to
establish bee colonies which
will have no drugs whatsoever in the hive or administered to the bees. Your
experience at
one of his hives will be hands on, interactive and educational. You will help
up a beehive and see how all of the equipment is used. The trip to the actual
hive will show the
honey and the bees which he has "regressed" back to their normal size from their
commercial "super
sized" state.

Each participant will be given an original small booklet made by Shirley
Langpohl, mixed-media artist. They
also will be shown how to make a small "wild bee house" which they can put in
their own gardens and woods
or unused urban spaces.

Experience Provider Statement

For the past two years I have been studying about the biology of the bee and the
history of beekeepiing around the world. My library
has grown with the classics of beekeeping. In 2008 I became a Registered
Beekeeper of Nova Scotia with the Department of
Agriculture. They provide news updates about the situation with bees here and
globally. I was worried about the
reports of bees dying and the danger to our world's food supply. Since I am not
an advocate for GMO crop solutions and in my opinion, I
do not think "chemical applications" are the answer to the problems; I decided
to start raising "organic bees which would make organic
honey". Regressing the bees back to their natural size was step one in my goal
for a healthy hive without drugs.
My goal is to make beehives which are healthy and organic and sell them to as
many people as I can to spread this
alternative way of raising bees in Southwest Nova Scotia. With healthy hives,
I hope we can bring back the
bee to abundant populations again.

I studied "Natural Beekeeping" with Vermont author and beekeeper, Ross Conrad
at Windhorse Farm ,NS, last autumn. Mother
Nature and the bees have been my main teacher . Next year I will have Phase 3
of my Beekeeping Project in place - which
will be creating a body of art work to communicate to a broader audience about

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