Thursday, July 9, 2009

Health Study on Turbines

from Maureen Daly Milwaukee Environmental News Examiner

First study to determine health effects of wind turbines in Ontario
July 8, 11:00 AM
Opponents of wind farms will be happy to learn that researchers at Queen’s University have begun a study to determine the health effects of turbines on nearby residents.

Opponents of wind turbines have cited sleep disturbance, increased headaches, ear pressure, memory problems and even rapid heart rate as a result of living near industrial wind turbines. “Wind turbine syndrome” has been used to describe all the symptoms reported. It is the clinical name coined by Dr. Nina Pierpont.

As Wisconsin increases the number of wind farms, opponents are getting more vocal. WINDCOWS (Wisconsin Independent Citizens Opposing Windturbine Sites) is the most creatively named group, but plenty others exist.

Part of the problem is that the windy parts of our state, like the Fox Valley is also the most densely populated unlike the Great Plains. Our mishmash of local ordinances for set back are seen as an impediment to the wind industry but have been working in favor of opponents be delaying some projects.

By August the researchers will have collected baseline data and they intend to follow up on an annual or biannual basis for a few years to see if any effects crop up over time.

The wind industry is here to stay. One possible outcome will be better data on which to determine appropriate setbacks for future wind farms.

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