Saturday, July 18, 2009

Letter to Council- Sister Bonnie Bethany Place

To the Municipal Council of the District of Digby
And the Members of the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC)
July 15,2009
Dear Warden; Councilors, and PAC Members:
As you are aware, we at Bethany Place have a couple of concerns regarding the
placement of the wind turbines so near to our place of residence. One is the disturbance
of our source of water as we are on a gravity fed dug well.
Another concern is the continuous noise from the rotation of the blades on the turbines
2417. Our ministry at the house is one of , sponsoring Quiet Days and Retreat Days tor
individuals and small groups. The incessant whir from the turbines could significantly
interfere with a person's quiet and sense of peace and reflection. If this should happen
then our ministry of hospitality and prayer would virtually have to cease. Should this
happen we would have no other option but to try to sell our property at a reduced price as
real estate prices will drop considerably and relocate somewhere else in the province.
Should we have to move from this area that would mean the outreach and ministry that
eminates from the Bethany Bargain Bin at 125 First Avenue would conceivably cease to
function. This, I believe, would bave a significant impact on the surrounding community
of Digby and area as we exist to meet the needs of people that Society Services and other
agencies don't meet. People in need of furniture, household items, etc., are given these
items to assist them in settling into new residences/apartments. We help people cover
their rents, fuels bills, telephone bills, medications, dental work, glasses and food that
isn't available at the local food bank.
We also assist the food bank:financially; we assist Juniper House Outreach; we assist
people referred to us from Family Resources and Social Services and Mental Health. We
support the Breakfast program at the Digby Elementary School. Should our ministry and
outreach cease to exist these services would have to be picked up by others in the
Last year the Bethany Bargain Bin generated $49,260,.50 into the local economy. Ijust
mention this as I feel it is worth consideration when decisions are being made at your
council meetings regarding the placement of these wind turbines in our area. We feel that
the two that have been allocated near our property are placed toeclose to our home.
Respectfully sumitted,
Sister Bonnie, S.L.S.M.

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