Friday, July 31, 2009

Wind Farm telephone survey

Subject: Wind Farm Telephone Survey today---Please participate if calledþ tomhaynespaton

To South West Nova Residents:
If you are called by a company carrying out a survey about "local issues",
please participate.
I have just been called by a New Brunswick company asking if I was willing
to participate in an 8 min. survey about issues affecting my local area. When I
asked details, she said the Digby local area. And then said energy issues.
Only after I agreed to participate and got into the interview did I realize
that the questions were specifically dealing with the "Digby Neck wind farm
The first question was, what is the most important issue facing Nova Scotia
as a province. Then, the most important issue facing "your local area".
It is a good survey, well balanced. There are even places when you can add
anything else that is important to you, a freely expressed opinion in addition
to multiple choice questions, (agree or disagree, strongly or not...) Also, she
let me go back and change answers when I heard the following questions.
Does anyone know who would be footing the bill for this survey?

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