Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Skypower Obit- Danny

Skypower Obituary“The mighty have fallen from their thrones” the psalmist wrote. It’s a day now since the news got out that Skypower of Toronto the Good has had a financial collapse, and to say that I was sorry would be a lie.

I am in a celebrative mood for one reason alone: my neighbors nor I shall not have to live with them as corporate neighbors! They don’t deserve to because they did not treat the people with due honor or respect.

They were a people with a book of rules and regulations but without heart, a group of men and women who chose the letter of the law and used it as a club to get their way, rather than to meet the people half way and live by the spirit of it instead.

They did what they seem predestined to do viz. to divide and conquer. Secret tryst with municipal leaders, faulty and flawed pseudo-Consultations with the people, secret leases with lessors sworn to secrecy, and unkept promises for meetings never held – all about a Wind Turbine Communal Home Invasion in the name of clean energy regardless of the cost to man nor beast in one of Nova Scotia’s prime pristine gems still left.

From all appearances, neither our Municipal leaders nor Skypower, had the intestinal fortitude to venture into the homeland of families here fifteen generations or more and many who have come here since, to lay the cards on the table and open a discussion with the people. They slayed, instead, democracy stone dead!

The issue for me is not the wind! The issue is democracy denied! At days end, some may have a few more bucks in their pockets, but there still shall be no winners. Another chip off an already fragile community demeans and cripples all the more.

Whatever be the future I don’t know, but as for Skypower I must say: Good Riddance!

Dan Mills
Waterford, Digby County, Nova Scotia, Canada

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