Sunday, September 27, 2009

To Marilla Stephenson, Writer, Chronicle Herald

In regards to Marilla Stephenson's comments about the wind turbine issue on Digby Neck,

I find Marilla's comments misleading. She claims "benefits" to wind turbines but cannot list one. A person she interviewed suggests, in connection with placing turbines on Digby Neck, the arrival of jobs and young people. Sentences later, he admits wind turbines "will not fix that". So by her own article, wind turbines will neither bring jobs, nor people to the area, and the only other benefit she could list is for the tax collector.
How would you feel if you knew that wind turbines did not reduce the use of fossil fuels? Isn't that the reason why we're all jumping on the green bandwagon? To reduce emissions from fossil fuels? I was all for wind turbines. However, I am hearing, in my occupation, from Europeans who have many turbines in their countries, that they did not reduce the use of fossil fuels at all, and, in fact "were a farce".
I am pro green Power, I think we all want green power, and we need to meet some Kyoto guidelines, but I think we need to get these questions answered before slapping down turbines everywhere, on a mirage that the public's demand for saving our world is being addressed. There needs to be appropriate standards, for wind farms, yes, but first and foremost, even before that, does it actually accomplish what the public believes it would do? I don't know, now.
Kathleen Gidney

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