Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Industrial Wind Projects

When are MPP's going to take action and support an investigation into the complaints from people living within Industrial Wind Projects??? The Norfolk victims continue to try find an alternate place to live with little success. AIM Powergen has yet to provide these people with a solutions. Many of the Ripley, Amaranth and Melancthon residents have had to abandon their homes. MOE complains that they do not have a proper methodology to assess for uncompliant noise levels, yet use noise as the parameter by which setbacks are determined. Wind developers continue saying they are meeting the MOE noise guidelines and continue with construction of their projects despite MOE indicating that they are suppose to meet site plan agreements that were in place prior to the proclamation of the Renewable Energy approval process.

Is your political will so hampered by perception, that residents must be used as expendable collateral in order to promulgate an ideology that will never reduce greenhouse gases in significant amounts because it will never replace coal generation, will never provide long term jobs, or provide this province with a new "green" economy?

Can I ever expect an answer and solution to these problems?

Colette McLean
Essex County

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