Monday, November 30, 2009

Whistle Blower Legislation Needed?

Whistle Blower Legislation needed in N.S. ?
Re the article about the firing of the Nurse Practitioner on Digby Neck and the Islands On my reading her offence, a small piece in the local newsletter 1)informing citizens of a mandated cutback by the Health Authority of her clerical support because of a budget issue(resulting in the closing of the office by 230pm each day - no one to answer calls, take referrals , and organize patient services after that time) and 2)expressing her hope that that Authority would be able to “ see the error of this decision” given the volume of service needs ie over 1500 patients for one nurse practitioner ,I thought “ whistle blower” ( defined in the website as “ those who disclose information about something they believe to be harmful to the public’s interest, occurring in business or in government. It includes disclosure to authorities within the organization, to outside agencies or to the media”) New Brunswick has such protection, alas not NS. In Britain whistle blowers qualify for good citizenship Honours awards , the law even voiding contract gagging. Laws being developed in the US distinguish between “groundless complaints and ethical complaints” – were Karen Snider’s ethical ? groundless? Carol Littleton Annapolis Royal

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