Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Cat (Ferry) Fight

Subject: THE CAT ferry

For countless generations now, the coastal regions of Nova Scotia have been drained of billions and billions of tax dollars from the natural resources of the sea, the mines, and agriculture, and the cities grew and grew......And now it is my belief that the Dexter Government wants us all in rural areas to move to the city.

They are doing everything they can, it appears to me, to drive us out of South West Nova Scotia so that they can take away all that's left: our water, our basalt,our quality of life with 400 foot Wind Rigs all around and about.

Getting rid of the Cat, the Digby Ferry,leaving a section of the 101 between Digby and Weymouth left undone, reducing Medical Care to next to naught, fears of the closure of the Digby Hospital,with similiar hanging over the Roseway Hospital in Shelburne paves the way for the demise of three counties .

I know of what I speak. I have spent the best part of forty years in all three from time to time and watched them slowly die chipped away until there's almost nothing left but awaiting the NDP undertaker to place the pennies on the eyes.

Of course, subsidize the ferries- both of them. It's time the political establishment gave some back!

Dan Mills
RR 4,Digby NS

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