Saturday, December 26, 2009

Santa Claus> yikes! wind farms!!


Santa Claus reports close call travelling over wind farms
Santa, as captured by one young boy in Iowa this morning
Heavy snows and poor visibility provided some tense moments for Santa Claus and his team of reindeer, while traveling over Iowa early this morning. Without realizing it, Santa and his sleigh were headed directly into a series of wind turbines in rural Iowa.

As they neared the wind farm, Santa reported Rudolph's nose began blinking erratically in a distress signal and Santa quickly turned the sleigh upwards, narrowly missing the giant blades of a wind turbine.

At his next stop, Santa made a note on his "to do" list for next year. Add radar to sleigh. He delivered gifts and picked up a few extra cookies for his reindeer, saving the biggest one for Rudolph.

Thanks to the efforts of the red nosed reindeer, Rudolph, a Christmas tragedy was avoided. Children all around the world will be able to enjoy their Christmas morning because of this remarkable reindeer.

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