Friday, January 8, 2010

Energy Bills to Rise

From mailonline

Energy bills will rise to fund £75bn 'dash for wind power' as Britain tries to hit climate targets
By Anny Shaw
Last updated at 11:13 PM on 08th January 2010
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Energy bills will rise to pay for a £75billion plan to build 6,400 giant wind turbines around the coast.
The scheme would see the equivalent of two windmills - each one rising 500ft above the sea - going up every day between now and 2020, making it one of the biggest engineering projects in recent history.

The 'dash for wind' is being fuelled by climate change targets set by Europe. By 2020, Britain must generate 15 per cent of all energy used on fuel, transport and electricity from 'renewable' sources.

The Government says the new farms, which will be paid for by gas and electricity consumers in higher fuel bills over the next decade, will generate up to a quarter of Britain's energy needs, enough electricity for every home in the country.
But critics warned that the plans were unrealistic, deeply flawed and would leave the UK dangerously dependent on wind to keep the lights burning.

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