Friday, February 5, 2010

The Honorable Percy Paris
NS Legislature
Halifax NS

Honorable and Dear Sir:

I watched with great sadness on TV yesterday, hundreds of people from so far away storming the nigh- on- to- sacrosanct- environs of democracy. Do you at all realize how sad that was? Grown men and women all but brought to their knees to be heard and honored too? But there was no such honor to be!

I was a young student in Halifax many years ago when the legs of democracy were pulled out from under
the feet of the people of Africville. How odd indeed after fifty years of denial of that great injustice, some tokenism in dollars-millions even- is being waved as the big fix before the black community while at the same time a similiar injustice is faced by the people of south west Nova Scotia.

The commonality,Sir? Participatory democracy had died then as now. The people of Africville were not asked but told, as now the people of Yarmouth and environs were told and not asked. The only word that comes to my mind to describe such an affront to people is bully!

What did the people expect to hear from you yesterday ,Sir? Hardly not that you would do nothing about it that day. That was a given. But what people want to hear from elected leaders is a word or two of hope to lift them out of the sense of hopelessness and despair in which you and your government have placed them.

If truth were known, the sense I get is that the Dexter Government is hell-bent on imposing a virtual genocide on the people of South Western Nova Scotia.

Now that's a legacy for generations half a century hence to look back on!

Shame on the Dexter government, while I search for the values of Tommy Douglas and the NDP. They are simply are not there.

Daniel Mills
Digby County Nova Scotia

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