Thursday, February 11, 2010

Poor Cell Phone Service on Digby Neck and Area

Yarmouth Municipal Council is at work getting better cellular service for the people in their area (Argyle, etc.). They are going beyond Bell/Aliant and going to the CRTC. (Canadian Radio and Television Network). Our area will not see a benefit from their hard work, however, as it would be too south of here.
Everybody knows there are reception problems on Digby Neck and perhaps the Islands as well, but has anybody done anything about it? Trying to talk to Bell/Aliant is like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. It doesn't work. The CRTC will. But there needs to be voices. Either register your comment with the CRTC, or write to or call your municipal councillor. They need to know that there are a number of people who have the same issue, so they can go to bat for us. Jim Thurber may be your rep, or it may be Linda Gregory
Even if you don't live in the area you could be travelling through it and be affected by the many "blank" zones. More than that, it could affect whether you live or die or whether someone else lives or dies. If there's an accident and you can't reach anybody, or nobody who is trying to help you can reach emergency services, then...
Cell phones (and reception) are really safety devices, in 2010. We need the service to cover *all* of Digby Neck and Islands. Please add your voice. I'm writing Linda right now.
And please, be someone who has the caring to *want* to save someone's just making that call.

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