Friday, April 23, 2010

An Earth Day Quiz from Yesterday

Earth Day Energy Quiz
April 22, 2010

How much do you know about energy in Canada? Take the test and check back for the answers on Monday.

The most fuel-efficient car sold in Canada today is
a) a hybrid
b) a clean diesel
c) a three-cylinder conventional gasoline-powered internal combustion powered Smart car
d) a plug-in electric

Which provides more electricity in Canada?
a) wind power
b) solar power
c) biomass thermal power
d) tidal power

What uses the most energy in a typical Canadian house?
a) space heating
b) water heating
c) appliances
d) lighting

In terms of daylight hours per year, where is the best place in Canada to install solar panels?
a) Calgary, Alberta
b) Alert, Nunavut
c) Leamington, Ontario
d) Churchill Manitoba

Tidal power is unique to which province?
a) British Columbia
b) Manitoba
c) New Brunswick
d) Nova Scotia

Which province or territory generates the largest portion of electricity from wind power?
a) Yukon
b) Alberta
c) Saskatchewan
d) Prince Edward Island

In Canada, RSI Values relate to:
a) effectiveness of home insulation
b) radioactivity of nuclear waste
c) air resistance across the rotors of a wind turbine
d) refractive qualities of solar panels

In which province is it least advantageous to generate your own electricity?
a) Alberta
b) Ontario
c) British Columbia
d) New Brunswick

How much more efficient than a conventional incandescent light bulb is a compact fluorescent light bulb?
a) 65%
b) 75%
c) 85%
d) 90%

Which of these vehicles doesn’t come in a hybrid version?
a) car
b) pickup truck
c) motorcycle
d) transit bus

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