Saturday, April 10, 2010


from the blogger:
It is senseless to run out with our firesticks and blast anything we don't understand and fear. Those that do might as well start thumping their chests and swinging from the trees. The coyotes are becoming more interested in us because humans are feeding them. STOP FEEDING THEM SO THEY WON'T SEE HUMANS AS A FOOD SOURCE!
Walk with things that make noise or jangle on. Carry a big stick. Walk with someone else. Don't carry food. Do people have common sense or not?
And above all, report someone who you know is feeding the coyotes. For goodness sake, you are blaming the wrong animal. DNR maybe should be putting a bounty on humans that feed wild animals with teeth and claws. How dumb can we get. ????
Look what people did to the sharks after Jaws. They feared them and didn't understand them, and went out killing sharks with whatever they could, especially with wild abandon. It decimated the population and could've killed off a species. All because a stupid human wanted to scare people for a thrill (and money), and afterwards, when he saw the aftermath, he's sorry the human apes went on a killing spree. The sharks don't even like to eat us! If humans make themselves look like a seal in areas where there's sharks, well who's at fault? If we make ourselves "FOOD" to the wild animals, what do you think they're going to do? Bite! DON'T blame the innocent animal. The human animal is slowly evolving out of being the bloodthirstiest primative on the planet, but there are some who are slower to evolve, and kill at the least spark, even to the detriment of their-and our- own world.THINK. That's what's supposed to make us different from animals we used to think were lower forms. We don't have to kill first and think later. We have a 3 pound brain to use. for Something.

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