Monday, May 3, 2010


Bright Ideas Abound
Last week the Annapolis Valley Campus (AVC) of the Nova Scotia Community College announced the winners of its annual Innovative Business Ideas Competition. Understandably, given the AVC’s pioneering programs, the winning ideas focused on new technology and energy management. Whether you’re turning on your lights or turning on your ignition, you have to admire these young entrepreneurial initiatives. And the bright minds that have chosen to learn here.
Ici On Parle Français
Innovative new learning is only one part of the Annapolis Digby educational equation, as demonstrated by students from Digby last week. This is a region that prides itself on preserving its multi-cultural heritage, and that’s evident in the traditional academic excellence displayed by the four students, who were among regional winners in the recent Concours d’art oratoire. Next stop is the provincial French speaking competition. Bonne chance.
Weymouth Gets the Butterflies
But that’s not a bad thing - as a matter of fact, it’s sort of what they’re hoping for. Not to be outdone by their older peers, these younger students decided to focus on their environmental prowess as Annapolis Digby celebrated Earth Day.
No Idle Chatter
OK – it may give pause for thought to town employees who may want to nip over to a local drive-through for their lunch break. But Digby’s walking a sustainable path these days, and proving that sometimes an environmental “turn off” is a good thing.
Always Ready To Raise Their Hands
Sometimes the fun stuff for we newsletter editors is to focus on the new, the innovative, the groundbreaking, etc. ...yadayada...But let’s face it, what makes Annapolis Digby truly great is the continuing steadfastness of folks here to our traditional values of mutual caring, selfless enterprise and total commitment to this community. And a number of Annapolis area residents were deservedly recognized recently by the province’s Premier for those intrinsic values.
Sustainable Agriculture Becoming a Capital Idea
Annapolis Digby has long been a regional hotbed for advocates and adherents of community sustainable agriculture. Now it looks like the idea is finally catching the eyes – and the resources – of enlightened investors globally.
Finally, if you spent the weekend watching the Kentucky Derby with a Mint Julep in hand, you can continue in that languorous ambiance this weekend as everyone will be “Celebrating Magnolias in Annapolis Royal”, which rightly bills itself as Nova Scotia’s Magnolia Capital. You can take advantage of garden tours, gardening demonstrations, related community events – or just stand and sniff the air. Check things out at OK– I have a white linen suit, can do a passable Rhett Butler impersonation (frankly Scarlett...), now if I can just find one of those neat Colonel Sanders ties...

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