Saturday, June 26, 2010

On at Council

Municipality of the District of DigbyMunicipal Council MinutesMay 25, 2010Seabrook, Nova Scotia1Call to OrderThe Council meeting was called to order with Warden Thurberin the chair at 6:02 p.m. AttendanceCouncillors present: Jim Thurber, Warden Jimmy MacAlpine, Deputy Warden Linda Gregory, Councillor Maritza Adams, CouncillorStaff present: Linda Fraser, Chief Administrative Officer Gordon Wilson, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Cora Lee Bremner, Executive SecretaryRegrets: Randall Amero, CouncillorPrayerWarden Thurber welcomed everyone to the meeting, read theMunicipality’s mission statement and then asked everyone topause to seek guidance for the meeting. Agenda Councillor Gregory added Upcoming Council andCOTW dates as New Business #3. Deputy WardenMacAlpine added Green Municipal Funds as NewBusiness #4, Provincial Coastal Strategy as NewBusiness #5, and Coastal Strategy as New Business #6.MOVED and seconded that the agenda be approved asamended.MOTION CARRIEDPresentationsTinna Bonner, CanadaPost CommunicationsOfficer, Rural MailSafety ReviewMOVED and seconded that Ms. Tinna Bonner, Canada PostCommunications Officer come before Council to make apresentation regarding the Rural Mail Safety Review.MOTION CARRIED Mr. Terry MacDonald, Coordinator for the AtlanticProvinces was also present for the presentation. Ms.Bonner outlined the review process to Council for ruralmail delivery. Canada Post is first looking at areas of concern that have been reported by the drivers, and they arealso doing a review of all mailboxes in Canada. Ms.Bonner outlined the review process and the guidelines thatare in place, as well as the processes to providing community mailboxes or post office boxes. A review ishoped to take place within the Municipality of Digby for mid-July. Council will be updated with their findings. Aquestion and answer period followed the presentation.Council asked about minimum distances for customerstravelling to post offices or community boxes to pick up their mail. Canada Post is trying to find the mostconvenient location for people. Council expressed theirconcern with smaller post offices within the Municipalityclosing down. They assured Council that this program is
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Municipality of the District of DigbyMunicipal Council MinutesMay 25, 2010Seabrook, Nova Scotia2not looking to close down post offices and by relocatingpeople’s boxes to the local post offices might help to sustain them. Council asked the Canada Post representatives to take into consideration the ferry traffic when determininghow much traffic there is in a particular area. Council alsosuggested that delivery be scheduled around rush times inthe communities.  Warden Thurber thanked them for their presentation andlooks forward to working with them throughout the process.MinutesApril 26, 2010Deputy Warden MacAlpine noted that in the April 26, 2010minutes, the report for Waste Check should have read that therewill soon be a new garbage truck that will be able to haul two streams of garbage. MOVED and seconded that the minutes from the Council ofApril 26, 2010 be approved as amended.MOTION CARRIEDBusiness Arising from MinutesNILOld BusinessWarden ThurberNo Old Business.Deputy Warden MacAlpineConway SidewalkThe CAO has not heard anything from the Department ofTransportation regarding the installation of a bike lane inConway. It was decided to wait to resurface the last section ofsidewalk in Conway until a decision has been made.Councillor GregoryNo Old Business.Councillor AmeroAbsent.Councillor AdamsNo Old Business.New Business#1 Department of Energy Since Digby has been identified as having renewable energysuch as; winds, tidal power, solar, and bio-mass, it wassuggested that Council invite a representative from theDepartment of Energy to come before Council to make apresentation to see what this could mean for theMunicipality of Digby.MOVED and seconded that a letter be sent to the Ministerof Energy requesting representation from the department tocome and talk to Council about renewable energy opportunities in the Municipality of Digby. MOTION CARRIED
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Municipality of the District of DigbyMunicipal Council MinutesMay 25, 2010Seabrook, Nova Scotia3#2 2010 MobiusEnvironmental Award Councillor Gregory and Deputy Warden MacAlpine areboth planning to attend the 2010 Mobius EnvironmentalAwards. There has been a local winner this year fromWeymouth. Council decided that they would present acertificate of recognition to them at the Council meeting in Weymouth at the end of September. An article will also beplaced in the August edition of the Coastline Newsletterwhich should also feature a photo from the presentationmade in June.MOVED and seconded that Council present a certificate ofrecognition to Sissiboo Investment Ltd. from Weymouthwho is the recipient of the Small Business of the Year awardfrom the 2010 Mobius Environmental Awards, as well, anarticle will be placed in the August edition of the CoastlineNewsletter.MOTION CARRIED#3 Meeting Dates The June Council meeting is scheduled for the same nightas the DRHS graduation and also the Islands ConsolidatedSchool. Council has planned to pass the budget at thatmeeting; therefore, it was decided to change the June 28meeting to June 29, 2010 at 6:30 pm. If the hall is available, these changes will be advertised inthe upcoming issue of the Coastline.  It was also discussed to have the Program Coordinator placesigns around the community when Council meetings aregoing to be held in those areas.MOVED and seconded that the June Council meeting bechanged from June 28 at 6:00 to June 29 at 6:30 providingthe Bear River Fire Hall can accommodate this request.MOTION CARRIED The Councillors in District 2 and 3 are unable to attend themeeting being held in their district. It was suggested tochange the locations of those two meetings so that theCouncillor can be present in their district. MOVED and seconded that the August 23, 2010 Councilmeeting be held at the Baptist Church Hall in Culloden andthat on September 13, 2010 the COTW meeting be held atNorth Range Community Hall. MOTION CARRIED#4 Green MunicipalFunds Deputy Warden MacAlpine had the opportunity to attend aplanning conference in Halifax. Green Municipal Fundshas been increased up to $10 million for borrowing and forgivable loans are available for up to $1 million. Also,there is a simplified process to apply for these funds. There have also been changes in Nova Scotia which couldprovide the Municipality the opportunity to have their ownrenewable energy source. This project could be funded
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Municipality of the District of DigbyMunicipal Council MinutesMay 25, 2010Seabrook, Nova Scotia4through green municipal funds. It was suggested if thisopportunity was taken advantage of, the Municipality could provide their own power and sell any excess power into thegrid. The money made could help offset capital costs. Itwas suggested that this be researched over the next eight to twelve months after the building is done. Discussion ensued. #5 Provincial CoastalStrategy The Province has set three meetings that will be held whileCouncil are away for FCM; gas tax, draft water strategy,and coastal consultation with Municipalities. Councilwould like to be able to provide input for these meetings.MOVED and seconded that a letter be written to theDepartment of Environment and Service Nova Scotia,carbon-copied to the MLA, expressing Council’s concernsthat they are having the above-mentioned meetings whileCouncil and senior staff are away.MOTION CARRIED#6 Coastal StrategyDeputy Warden MacAlpine wanted to note that the UNSMExecutive Board has reviewed the Coastal Strategy and havemade comments to go back. The Province is going to set up acommittee to coordinate coastal strategy and they will belooking for an elected official to sit on this committee. Councilwill discuss this after they return from FCM.AdministrationRequest for decision/directionNILCAO Report Maud Lewis SignageWeymouth LibraryMunicipal OfficeRelocation The CAO report for April 26, 2010 was included in themeeting package. The CAO noted that she has contacted the executivedirector regarding the signage for the Maud Lewis site andhe is going to get back to her with a date. The grand opening for the Weymouth Library is tentativelyplanned for the last week of July. As of Friday the Municipal Office will be doing business atthe Airport until fall.PayablesMOVED and seconded that the payables in the amount of$366,570.77 for the month of April 2010 be approved aspresented.MOTION CARRIEDFinancial Report The financial report will not be available until after thebudget is approved.
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Municipality of the District of DigbyMunicipal Council MinutesMay 25, 2010Seabrook, Nova Scotia5Council CommitteesCommittee of theWholeSecond and FinalReading of Amendment to Tax Exemption By-lawMOVED and seconded that second and final reading beheld for the amendment to the Tax Exemption By-lawadding Nova Scotia Bird Sanctuary & Trust property (Peter’s Island)MOTION CARRIEDBylaw & PolicyReviewSecond and FinalReading of Amendments to DogBy-lawApproval of DigbyAnnapolis RegionalAirport Safety PolicyApproval of Community Grants for 2010-2010MOVED and seconded that second and final reading beheld for the amendments to the Dog By-law.MOTION CARRIEDMOVED and seconded that the Digby Annapolis RegionalAirport Safety Policy be approved.MOTION CARRIEDMOVED and seconded that the Community Grants for2010-2011 be approved.MOTION CARRIEDAdvisory Committees#1 REMOManagement PlanningCommittee There has been no REMO meeting since the last Councilmeeting.#2 Heritage AdvisoryCommittee A date needs to be set for the launch of the digitization ofthe Digby Courier. #3 Planning AdvisoryCommittee The orientation of new members is scheduled for May 27, 2010.#4 Police AdvisoryCommittee There has been no Police Advisory Committee meetingsince the last report. The next meeting is scheduled for July. #5 Tri CountyHousing Authority A report was just circulated today from Mr. Fitzgerald.Regional / Joint Committees#1 Airport WorkingGroup The Airport Working Group minutes for December 16,2009 were included in the meeting package. There was an Airport Working Group meeting on May 5, 2010. Mr. Mark Phillips from the Annapolis Basin Conference Centre, who was a partner submitting a bid for
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Municipality of the District of DigbyMunicipal Council MinutesMay 25, 2010Seabrook, Nova Scotia6the air cadet school, was in attendance. There was adiscussion on what could have been done differently to getthe Air Cadet School to come to this area. Other topicsdiscussed at this meeting is the recertification of the Airportwhich has happened; name change for the Airport andsignage; potential fly-in; jet fuel; going forward with Custom Services and suggestions for a vision statement.There are good citizen representatives on this committeeand they see the value of the Airport for the community. The Deputy CAO noted that the group is going to organizea fly-in breakfast. Peter Burnie is putting it together. It isscheduled for June 5, 2010 from 8:00 am to 10:00 am.Reduced fuel prices are being offered. #2 Annapolis Digby EconomicDevelopment Agency There has been no ADEDA meeting since the last Councilmeeting. There is a meeting scheduled for May 27, 2010. The RDA is active on both the Team Southwest and TeamWest. Both organizations have had meetings and the Wharf Rat Rally has been a priority.  There has been a draft report from the consultants releasedto the committee on the transportation study. Theinformation from this report has not been released, but willbe shortly.#3 Digby AnnapolisDevelopment Corp The DADC draft minutes for May 7, 2010 were included inthe meeting package. The next meeting is scheduled forJuly 7, 2010.#4 Digby AreaLearning Association The DALA minutes from February 24 and April 28 wereincluded in the meeting package. There is a meetingscheduled for May 26, 2010. They are currently in theprocess of running an advertisement for a new CEO. Thegraduation is scheduled for sometime in June.#5 Digby AreaTourism Association  The Digby Area Tourism Association’s Annual GeneralMeeting was held on May 5, 2010. Some of the highlightsof the past year include; the Roger Brooks report, which focused on how to improve visitor experience in the area; a new DATA website is being formed to showcase some of the things that are happening; and the levy on rooms hasbeen dropped. The next meeting is scheduled for June. #6 Digby AreaRecreation Committee DARC had their volunteer week which included an eveningthat honored volunteers in the community. John Soles wasthe Town of Digby representative and Terry Farnsworth was the Municipality of Digby representative. The poolwill be opening sometime in June and the day camps will berunning for seven weeks during the summer.  There was a short discussion regarding repairs that need tobe done to the Curling Club. It was mentioned that ifpossible, it would be best to do all the repairs at once tohelp cut down on costs. #7 Digby Harbour Port Association The Digby Harbour Port Association had a meetingrecently. They are working with the RDA to have a portday. Mr. Kerr has helped to get funding for the wharfwhich is great. The Association discussed concerns with
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Municipality of the District of DigbyMunicipal Council MinutesMay 25, 2010Seabrook, Nova Scotia7docking fees and the need for a break water. Power, light,proper ladders and floating docks have been installed at thewharf which people are happy with. #8 Fundyweb Broadband There has been no Fundyweb Broadband meeting since thelast Council meeting.#9 IndustrialCommission There is an Industrial Commission meeting scheduled for June 8, 2010. The last meeting was cancelled.#10 Kings TransitAuthority The Kings Transit Authority minutes for April 21, 2010, aswell as the General Manager’s Report for May 2010, wereincluded in the meeting package.#11 Senior SafetyCommittee The Senior Safety Committee minutes from March 9, 2010,as well as the Coordinator’s Report for May 2010, wereincluded in the meeting package. There was a meeting onMay 11. Seniors day is scheduled for June 17. DeputyWarden MacAlpine wanted to commend Dawn Thomas for the work she is doing not only in the Town andMunicipality, but for promoting the senior safety programin other areas. #12 Tideview Terrace  The Tideview Terrace minutes from April 9, 2010 wereincluded in the meeting package. There was a meetingtoday.Things are running on schedule for the newTideview. The facility is currently full. There is a meetingplanned to look at mission and vision statements forsometime in June. There was a retreat in early April. Atthis retreat it was felt that the Tideview board doesn’t haveto be completely municipal and town councillors. Councillor Adams will be on the committee to discuss thestructure.#13 Waste Check The Waste Check Annual General minutes for May 11,2009, the Board minutes for March 8, 2010, the Staff reports for May 2010 as well as the Annual Board Reportfor 2009-2010 were all included in the meeting package.There was a meeting on May 10. The budget was passed atthat meeting. The enforcement program was discussed atthat meeting. Environment week is May 30 to Jun 6. June5 is a day scheduled for people to go to the transfer stationto see what happens to the garbage after it leaves yourhome. #14 Western CountiesRegional Library There was a Library Board meeting last week. DeputyWarden MacAlpine was unable to attend that meeting dueto other meeting commitments. Things are going good atthe Weymouth Library. There will be a meeting set up for June to discuss the Digby Library. Budgets and financialreports will be discussed. It is not too late to adopt a book at your local library.#15 SouthwestBiosphere The Southwest Biosphere Reserve Committee hasundergone a strategic planning session. Mr. Kerr haspromised that funding will continue, but it has not comethrough. There are enough funds to get them through until
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Municipality of the District of DigbyMunicipal Council MinutesMay 25, 2010Seabrook, Nova Scotia8September or October. They need a new executive director,but are not going to hire one until funding has been secured. Council ReportsWarden Thurber Warden Thurber gave an oral presentation to Counciloutlining the various meetings he has attended during thepast month.Deputy WardenMacAlpine Deputy Warden MacAlpine gave an oral presentation toCouncil outlining the various meetings he has attendedduring the past month.Councillor Gregory Councillor Gregory gave an oral presentation to Counciloutlining the various meetings she has attended during thepast month. Councillor Gregory would like an article placed in the nextissue of the Coastline recognizing the beach sweeps thathave taken place over the past few years, and the efforts thatWanda VanTassell has put in. There is another beachsweep scheduled for June.Councillor Amero Absent.Councillor Adams Councillor Adams gave an oral presentation to Counciloutlining the various meetings she has attended during thepast month.Drilling – GeorgesBanks Council discussed the decision that has been made to bandrilling on Georges Banks for an additional three years. Council are pleased with the decision, but were concernedthat the time period should have been longer.MOVED and seconded that a letter be written to theProvincial Government congratulating them on the decisionthat has been made in regards to extending the ban ondrilling on Georges Banks for an additional three years, butexpress that Council would have liked to see the term go forat least twenty years as Council are concerned for theenvironment and what could happen if drilling wasresumed. This letter is to be carbon-copied to the MP andMLA.MOTION CARRIEDComments from thegallery The meeting was opened up to the gallery for questions. There were no questions.AdjournmentMOVED and seconded that the meeting adjourn at 8:38PM. MOTION CARRIED____________________________________________________________WARDENCLERK

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