Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Beware: Survey

This evening I received a phone call from a "company" purporting to be doing a survey on renewable energy in Nova Scotia. The introductory questions were kind of funny and intrusive. The main questions, although ostensibly about renewable energy in Nova Scotia except for one question *were only about the wind farm on Digby Neck". Then the person wanted to know how educated I am and how much money I make.
You can say "no answer" to questions you don't like, you know, so do.
The caller's phone number was blocked. I thought about an answer I made and wanted to change it, but couldn't. Someone should attempt to find out the name of the person or the survey company if there is one. And certainly attempt to find out the use of a person's answers to these questions. And yes, please let me know. Kathleen

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