Thursday, May 5, 2011


Outward Looking
Most often in these weekly newsletters the focus is on what’s happening in and around our area. That’s not because we’re by nature introspective – it’s just that we’ve got lots going on here. But we’re also proud of what we can share with the wider world and the close relationships we have with the global community. One way this gets done is through trade shows and international expositions. It’s a valuable marketing strategy, and one in which ADEDA has specifically participated as appropriate. They build understanding, foster relationships – and most important – they bring in business.

And speaking of international relationships and ties shared by many of our local communities, Annapolis Royal just completed a special gift in honour of the 300th anniversary of its sister city – Annapolis, Maryland. A heritage tapestry, stitched by Moira MacDonald of Lawrencetown, will now hang in the Maryland State legislature.

Energetic Ideas
Our area is seeking to secure an intra-provincial tie as well these days. Digby Mayor Ben Cleveland is hoping the provincial government will actively support the Digby area’s new initiative to attract tidal energy companies to utilize its strategically located port facilities. The Town and Municipality are “spending our own money to show we are the port of choice when industry looks for a repair and maintenance base”, the Mayor said, adding, “We’re waiting for the province to take a stand because this will ramp up quickly”.

While tidal forces and wind power remain the cutting edge renewable energy initiatives here in Annapolis Digby these days, there’s another biofuel option being pondered these days that also holds potential for this region. It’s algae. Yes, what many of us dismiss as pond scum, is as common around these parts as, well, seaweed. And according to a keynote speaker at the recent Renewable Energy Conference it can be an ideal renewable energy resource since it consumes CO2 and can be grown in freshwater or salt water.

Publishing in Paradise
Books are big here. We have a long literary legacy of internationally renowned authors, and we have been delighted to regularly report the continuing accomplishments of our local writers, illustrators and publishers. So the fact that the community of Paradise will host a repeat of last year’s popular “Word in the Hall” event should come as no surprise. The daylong event for publishers, writers, printers, booksellers and readers will offer displays, question and answer sessions, book signings and networking opportunities for the bookish bunch – in whose company, I hasten to add, I proudly include myself.

Plotting the Tourist Map
Tourism is a key component of the ADEDA strategic plan. And, what with our recent national and international award winning public gardens, country inns, eco-adventure opportunities, and historic sites positioning Annapolis Digby as a signature travel destination, thoughtful planning is more than smart – it’s vital. So it’s definitely important news when we learn that the Strategic Tourism plan for Southwest Nova Scotia is set to be released to industry stakeholders at the upcoming Tourism Summit scheduled for May 17 at the Digby Pines Golf Resort and Spa. The Plan was commissioned by Destination Southwest Nova Scotia (DSWNS) and will be part of its annual general meeting.

Sweet Tweets
If by now, like me you've determined that social networks and online communities are an important – and inevitable - component in your overall marketing strategy, then consider taking in the Social Media marketing workshop at the Annapolis Basin Conference Centre (ABCC) this week. Don’t know if there’s any space left but if you’re interested you’d be wise to check. Social media takes creativity, planning and consistent monitoring. Your online presence and social media are quickly becoming your most valuable marketing tools - but only if they’re done right.adeda

Just wondering, but maybe - just maybe – my invitation to the royal wedding was “tweeted” to me, and that’s how I missed it. There’s got to be a reason. I do have a morning suit after all, and the salad bowl gift set was all wrapped.

Oh well, I’ve always liked Harry better anyway.

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