Saturday, November 14, 2009

Carol Littleton's Response to Newspaper

Re the Nov 12th piece on wind turbines by Judy Myrden

Where there is high profit to be made it is tempting to distort the inconvenient truths involved – it is no different with wind turbines. Even the greens and environmentalists can be accused of ignorance in this regard. Do they understand that dirty coal plants have NOT been closed down no matter how many turbines are built? ( when the wind dies suddenly another source of energy needs to be ready immediately to pick up the slack, so plants can not be turned off but have to be kept “ on the ready”) Therefore carbon emission reductions are much exaggerated. Do they know that Denmark , regarded as the most advanced in installation of wind turbines have switched to off shore turbine development only ? Do they know that the separation distances legislated in France, Scotland and coming in the rest of the UK is 2400 meters ? Do they know that the reason why the negative effects have not been publicized is that those who innocently lease the land have to sign a contract which muzzles them forever? Those who suffer are ridiculed – investors and developers continue to fund media to keep up the myth of NIMBYism !! Even homeowners who are suffering dare not speak up if they want to be able to unload their homes. Go on line and discover there are petitions all over the world requesting a moratorium on these gigantic installations until health effects have been properly researched Carol Littleton Annapolis Royal

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