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Municipality of the District of DigbyMunicipal Council MinutesNovember 22, 2010Barton, Nova Scotia1Call to OrderThe Council meeting was called to order with Warden Gregoryin the chair at 6:00 p.m. AttendanceCouncillors present: Linda Gregory, Warden Jimmy MacAlpine, Deputy Warden Randall Amero, Councillor Maritza Adams, Councillor David Tudor, CouncillorStaff present: Linda Fraser, Chief Administrative Officer Gordon Wilson, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Cora Lee Bremner, Executive SecretaryPrayerWarden Gregory welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked everyone to pause to seek guidance for the meeting. Warden Gregory thanked everyone for coming and read theMunicipality’s mission statement.AgendaMOVED and seconded that the agenda be approved ascirculated.MOTION CARRIEDPresentationsGloria Banks, GrantThornton – 2009-2010 Audited FinancialStatementsMOVED and seconded that Ms. Gloria Banks from theGrant Thornton come before Council to present the 2009-2010 Audited Financial Statements.MOTION CARRIEDMs. Banks from Grant Thornton went over the audited financialstatements for Council.MOVED and seconded that Council accept the 2009-2010 audited financial statements.MOTION CARRIEDMinutesOctober 25, 2010November 8, 2010MOVED and seconded that the minutes from the Council ofOctober 25, 2010 be approved as circulated.MOTION CARRIEDMOVED and seconded that the minutes from the SpecialCouncil of November 8, 2010 be approved as circulated.MOTION CARRIED
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Municipality of the District of DigbyMunicipal Council MinutesNovember 22, 2010Barton, Nova Scotia2Business Arising from Minutes/OldBusiness#1 Digby Ground Search and Rescue –Funding RequestStaff was asked at the last meeting if they could follow up withDigby Ground Search and Rescue to find out if theyinvestigated any options with respect to leasing as opposed topurchasing a new vehicle. Digby Ground Search and Rescueare unable to lease because the vehicle needs to be altered. TheCAO noted that the REMO Coordinator is applying for a grantwhich might be able to be used for this purpose. The CAO willkeep Council updated in the CAO report.MOVED and seconded that the funding request from DigbyGround Search and Rescue be tabled until information isreceived in regards to receiving a grant.MOTION CARRIEDDeputy Warden MacAlpine No Old Business.Councillor Amero No Old Business.Councillor Adams No Old Business.Councillor Tudor No Old Business.Warden Gregory No Old Business.New Business#1 Department of Natural Resources –Property OnlineAccess The CAO advised that she has had contact with someonewho is quite involved with Freedom of Information. It wassuggested if they require further information they can receive it from their lawyers as they already have access toProperty Online.#2 Councillor Amero – Provincial Decision to move RegistryOffice out of Weymouth Councillor Amero received a news release from the MLAregarding the Provincial decision to move the RegistryOffice out of Weymouth. The decision did not includemunicipalities or the public. The Registry Office has beenin Weymouth for 225 years. It was mentioned that a lettershould be written expressing Council’s displeasure withmoving the Registry Office as well as requesting to have ameeting to further discuss this matter. MOVED and seconded that a letter be written to theMinister requesting a meeting in regards to what is taking place in the Weymouth community. It was noted that the facility is quite new. MOTION CARRIED Council is also concerned with the Department ofAgriculture totally leaving Digby County. Digby County
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Municipality of the District of DigbyMunicipal Council MinutesNovember 22, 2010Barton, Nova Scotia3has the highest agriculture income in all of Nova Scotia.Taking these businesses out of Weymouth puts a burden onthe village as well.MOVED and seconded that a letter be written to theMinister of Agriculture requesting an explanation as to why the Department of Agriculture was taken from Weymouthand put into Cornwallis when Weymouth has the highestagricultural income in all of Nova Scotia.MOTION CARRIED#3 Warden Gregory –Doctors Nova Scotia –Golden Apple Award Doctors Nova Scotia has created the Golden AppleCommunity Award because they believe being healthystarts before a visit to the doctor’s office. The award will begiven annually to a community group making innovativeand strategic decisions about promoting healthy living choices. Warden Gregory would like to put this in theCoastline. This is going to be forwarded to the RecreationDepartment as well. It was noted that one of ourcommunity groups could be eligible to receive this. It wassuggested to get Mr. Powell to notify community groupsthat he is aware of. The Coastline is almost completed;however, this will be added if a space can be obtained.#4 Municipal FinanceCorp – MunicipalFinance Workshop Council members are to contact the executive secretary with a date that would be good for the Municipal FinanceWorkshop.#5 Councillor Tudor –EnvironmentScreening or FullEnvironmentalAssessment Public comments have been requested regarding theproposed marine aquaculture sites in Freeport and Grand Passage. They would like a reply December 5, 2010. It was noted that it would be good to see the project go forward if there were no environmental setbacks.MOVED and seconded that a letter be written to KevinLeBlanc from Transport Canada requesting a joint panelreview and also find out what this would entail.MOTION CARRIED#6 Warden Gregory –Light at the End of theAirport Driveway Warden Gregory advised that the Airport driveway can bevery hard to find after dark and in the foggy weather andsuggested that a light be installed at the end of thedriveway. Staff has agreed to investigate options. AdministrationRequest for decision/directionApproval of Organizational StudyMOVED and seconded that Council approve theorganizational study.MOTION CARRIED
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Municipality of the District of DigbyMunicipal Council MinutesNovember 22, 2010Barton, Nova Scotia4Approval of NewCAO Job DescriptionMOVED and seconded that Council approve the new jobdescription for the CAO.MOTION CARRIEDCAO Report No MeetingHerring WorkersAgreement The CAO report for November 22, 2010 was included inthe meeting package. There is no scheduled meeting for December 6, 2010. The CAO was in contact with an individual that qualifiesfor the program. He will meet with TLC animal shelter tosee if he can put 160 hours in there. He is the only personwho contacted the CAO.PayablesMOVED and seconded that the payables in the amount of$779,382.31 for the month of October 2010 be approved aspresented.MOTION CARRIEDFinancial ReportN/ACorrespondencePartnership for SustainableDevelopment of DigbyNeck & IslandsSociety It was noted that Honourable Sterling Belliveau, Minister ofFisheries and Aquaculture has asked to meet with theresidents in District 4. Council CommitteesCommittee of theWholeFundy YMCATender Loving CareAnimal ShelterMOVED and seconded that Council approve funding forcapital renovations in the amount of $25,000 for four yearsbeginning April 2011.MOTION CARRIEDIt was suggested that instead of taking the first $8,000 from thedog tag revenue to pay back the grant that half be taken in orderto provide operating funds for the shelter. There was a concernwith how much revenue will even be generated from thisprogram and it is unknown how long it will take to generateenough revenue to cover the $8,000. It has to go to bylaw and policy and how it is to be paid back can be decided at a laterdate.
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Municipality of the District of DigbyMunicipal Council MinutesNovember 22, 2010Barton, Nova Scotia5Herring WorkersAgreementWeymouth WaterfrontDevelopmentCommitteeMOVED and seconded that Council approve a grant in theamount of $8,000 with revenue generated from proposeddog tag fee to be used to cover the grant and to providefuture grants, with the rate of payback to be decided at a bylaw and policy meeting.MOTION CARRIED1 OPPOSEDMOVED and seconded that Council agree with the Provinceto sign the Herring Workers Agreement.MOTION CARRIEDMOVED and seconded that Council donate the formerWeymouth Library Building to the Weymouth WaterfrontDevelopment Committee.MOTION CARRIEDMOVED and seconded that Council provide a tax exemption on the former Weymouth Library building if theownership is transferred to the Weymouth WaterfrontDevelopment Committee.MOTION CARRIEDBylaw & PolicyReviewAppointment of ADEDA AlternateMemberNew CommitteeAppointmentsMOVED and seconded that Warden Gregory sit on theADEDA board as the alternate.MOTION CARRIEDMOVED and seconded that Council approve the newcommittee appointments determined at the Bylaw andPolicy meeting.MOTION CARRIEDAdvisory Committees#1 REMOManagement PlanningCommittee The REMO Management Planning Committee minutesfrom September 2010 were included in the meetingpackage. There is a meeting scheduled for November 23, 2010.#2 Heritage AdvisoryCommittee There was no Heritage Advisory Committee meeting sincethe last report.#3 Planning AdvisoryCommittee There has been no Planning Advisory Committee meetingsince the last report. There will soon be a meetingscheduled.#4 Police AdvisoryCommittee There Police Advisory Committee meeting minutes fromApril 2010 were included in the meeting package. There is
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Municipality of the District of DigbyMunicipal Council MinutesNovember 22, 2010Barton, Nova Scotia6still one citizen position that needs to be filled. There was ameeting last week and both Victoria Wilson and RickMiller were sworn in. The next meeting is scheduled forFebruary. #5 Tri CountyHousing Authority The Tri County Housing Authority report for June 1 toOctober 31, 2010 was included in the meeting package. The three western housing authorities will be one as ofDecember 2010. This includes Tri County, AnnapolisValley and South Shore Housing Authority. Council mentioned that they have concerns with thevacancies in the units. It was mentioned that there areaccessibility issues. Regional / Joint Committees#1 Airport WorkingGroup The Airport Working Group minutes for July andNovember 2010 were included in the meeting package. There was a meeting on November 15, 2010. There was anelection for Chair and Vice-Chair. Mason Vantassell is thenew Chair, and Jimmy MacAlpine is the new Vice-Chair. MOVED and seconded that a letter be written to Mr. NeilNichols for the efforts he placed as a Chair person of theAirport Working Group and for the leadership he hasprovided moving the Airport forward. The committee has decided that the jet fuel and webcam shouldbe put on hold. They are in hopes to obtain funding and theremight be opportunities in the new fiscal year. MOTION CARRIEDMOVED and seconded to postpone the purchase of jet fueland webcam for the Airport.MOTION CARRIEDMOVED and seconded that the terms of reference for theAirport be approved.MOTION CARRIED#2 Annapolis Digby EconomicDevelopment Agency The ADEDA minutes for September 2010 were included inthe meeting package. The managing director report forOctober as well as the managing director letter ofresignation was included in the meeting package. The regional development authority is in dire straights rightnow until things are worked out with Annapolis County. MOVED and seconded that a letter be written to Mr.Gushue thanking him for his services on behalf of thedevelopment authority and the Municipality of Digby.MOTION CARRIED
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Municipality of the District of DigbyMunicipal Council MinutesNovember 22, 2010Barton, Nova Scotia7#3 Digby AnnapolisDevelopment Corp The DADC has not met since the last report.#4 Digby AreaLearning Association The DALA minutes for September 2010 were included inthe meeting package. There is a meeting on November 24,2010. There will be the Annual General Meeting followedby the regular meeting.#5 Digby AreaTourism Association The Digby Area Tourism Association minutes for September 2010 were included in the meeting package. Warden Gregory is not sure when the next meeting is. Shewill let the Chair know that Councillor Tudor is the newrepresentative. #6 Digby AreaRecreation Committee The DARC minutes for September 2010 and staff reportsfor October, 2010 were included in the meeting package. Warden Gregory attended the Recreation Nova Scotiaconference. They discussed recreation and physicalactivities. There were a number of awards given out.Warden Gregory outlined the highlights of the conference. DARC has been running well. They are currently looking for nominations for volunteers for their annual volunteerawards dinner. These nominations can be either individualor community groups. There was a discussion regarding minor hockey in Digby and what has been taking place. The hockey association haschanged how people are to play. Attendance has been downat minor hockey. The recreation department has voiced their concern to the Association. It was suggested to obtain the number of registrations prior to the change in comparison to this year. It was also suggested that DARCcontact Hockey NS. #7 Digby Harbour Port Association The Digby Harbour Port Association met on November 18, 2010. Warden Gregory was unable to attend.#8 Digby LibraryCommittee The Digby Library Committee has not met since the lastreport.#9 Fundyweb Broadband Fundyweb Broadband has not met since the last report.Deputy Warden MacAlpine was in contact with the Directorof Finance. It was suggested to contact Eastlink who mightbe interested in fiber. #10 IndustrialCommission The Industrial Commission has not met since the last report.Deputy Warden has talked to the Mayor within the lastcouple weeks and he talked about calling a meeting soon.#11 Kings TransitAuthority The Kings Transit Authority minutes for September 2010,manager’s report for October 2010 and the ridership reportfor September 2010 were included in the meeting package. There was a meeting a couple weeks ago. Most ridership iscontinuing to go down. The garage will help bringmaintenance costs down when it gets up and running. Itwas noted that the Website needs updating. CouncillorAmero will take this back to the next meeting.
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Municipality of the District of DigbyMunicipal Council MinutesNovember 22, 2010Barton, Nova Scotia8#12 Senior SafetyCommittee The Senior Safety Committee minutes for October 2010were included in the meeting package. The next meeting isscheduled for January. #13 Tideview Terrace The Tideview Terrace minutes for June and September2010 were included in the meeting package. The CAO wanted to make sure that the Facility DisposalPolicy is being taken care of. It is being addressed. There was a concern raised to Councillor Tudor regarding the large hill the residents will have to climb to get to themall once they have moved to the new building. CouncillorTudor will contact Deborah Boudreau with this concern. The new building is still on schedule and they currentlyhave a plan to move the residents. #14 Waste Check The Waste Check minutes for September 2010, staff reportsfor October 2010, Regional Chairs Minutes and RegionalChairs update were included in the meeting package. There was a meeting on November 8, 2010. They discussedthe request for proposals on the recycling contract. A reportwas given on what the Waste Reduction Coordinator hasbeen doing during the month. There is a new Educator for Waste Check who is doing agood job going around to the schools. Barton school isdoing the best in the region. The Bylaw Enforcement Officer continues to be doing agood job on illegal dump sites. Councillor Tudor had a question about a garbage bin being provided for tourists on the Island by a local store owner.The owner of the store who placed the garbage can therewas told he had to source separate the garbage. It wassuggested that the owner purchase a garbage bin capable ofsource separating. #15 Western CountiesRegional Library There will be a Western Counties Regional Library meetingnext week. An Executive Director is currently being sought. Deputy Warden MacAlpine has been involved in theprocess.Council ActivityReports/OtherCommitteesDeputy Warden MacAlpine Deputy Warden MacAlpine gave an oral presentation toCouncil outlining the various meetings he has attendedduring the past month. Councillor Amero Councillor Amero gave an oral presentation to Counciloutlining the various meetings he has attended during thepast month.Councillor Adams Councillor Adams gave an oral presentation to Counciloutlining the various meetings she has attended during thepast month.Councillor Tudor Councillor Tudor gave an oral presentation to Counciloutlining the various meetings he has attended during the
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Municipality of the District of DigbyMunicipal Council MinutesNovember 22, 2010Barton, Nova Scotia9past month.Warden Gregory Warden Gregory gave an oral presentation to Counciloutlining the various meetings she has attended during thepast month. Comments from thegallery The meeting was opened up to the gallery for questions.There were no questions or comments.BreakMOVED and seconded that there be a five minute breakbefore proceeding in camera.MOTION CARRIEDIn CameraMOVED and seconded that the meeting move in camera.MOTION CARRIEDRegular session resumed.AdjournmentMOVED and seconded that the meeting adjourn at 8:50PM. MOTION CARRIED____________________________________________________________WARDENCLERK
Monday, January 24, 2011
Municipal Council Agenda Jan 24
Council AgendaJanuary 24, 2011Meeting LocationMunicipal Council ChambersCall to OrderWarden Linda GregoryPause to Seek GuidanceWarden Linda GregoryReading of Mission StatementWarden Linda GregoryApproval ofthe AgendaAdditions/Deletions Council StaffSpecial PresentationsPresentationsKatie Harvieux DARC Active LivingCoordinatorMinutesApproval/Amendments November 22, 2010
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Council AgendaJanuary 24, 2011BusinessArising from Minutes/Old Business1.Weymouth WaterfrontDevelopmentCommittee First Reading of Amendment # 11 of Tax Exemption By-law 2000-02 Amendment 11Old Weymouth Library Building2.DeputyWardenMacAlpineCouncillor AmeroCouncillor AdamsCouncillor TudorWarden Linda Gregory
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Council AgendaJanuary 24, 2011NewBusiness# 1Youth Grant RequestAshley Lee Smith, IslandsConsolidated School# 2Jean Brittain, ChairDARC Canadian Curling SeniorsEvent# 3Shelburne Chamber of Commerce Letter of Support# 4DARC-Citizen AppointmentJ.P. Hugh Sproule# 5Councillor TudorFreeport Public Wharf# 6Scotiabank Annual Borrowing Resolution#7Deputy Warden MacAlpine MEDIC (Dr RecruitingCommittee)#8Cookes Aquaculture Letter of Support#9Councillor Tudor Community Sign for FreeportCAOReport# 1Request for Decision or Direction# 2Meeting Dates/Reminders#3Meeting Action Items Update#4Special Project Update#5Payables- November 2010 $ 478,612.03December 2010 $ 488,503.28
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Council AgendaJanuary 24, 2011#6Financial Report-November 30, 2010Correspondence1.NS Association of Realtors-Re Assessment CAP2.NS Labour & Workforce Development-Amendments toNS Building Code Regulations3.Municipal Advisors Report-December 20104.Council CommitteesRecommendationsto Council fromCommittee of the WholeBuilding Inspector Appointment of Cathy Barr as a Municipal BuildingInspectorRecommendationsto Council fromBy-law & Policy CommitteeDog By-law 2006-02First Reading of Amendment to Dog By-law 2006-02TLC Animal ShelterAgreement Contract Agreement
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Council AgendaJanuary 24, 2011AdvisoryCommitteesDigby Source WaterProtection AdvisoryCommitteeWarden Gregory Minutes – October 2010Heritage AdvisoryCommitteeCouncillor AmeroCouncillor AdamsPlanning AdvisoryCommitteeWarden GregoryCouncillor AdamsCouncillor Tudor No meeting since last reportPolice AdvisoryCommitteeWarden GregoryCouncillor AmeroCouncillor AdamsNext Meeting Feb 8th There is 1 citizen positionthat needs to be filledREMO AdvisoryCommitteeWarden GregoryDeputy Warden MacAlpine Minutes – Sept 2010Tri County HousingAuthorityR Fitzgerald Last reported Nov 2010(reports on a quarterly basis)Regional/JointCommitteesAirport WorkingGroupDeputy Warden MacAlpineCouncillor AdamsAnnapolis DigbyEconomicDevelopmentAgencyCouncillor RandallAmero 2010 Mid Year Review Minutes – November 2010 Minutes – December 2010 Digby AnnapolisDevelopment CorpDeputy Warden MacAlpineCouncillor AmeroMeeting scheduled for Feb7th
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Council AgendaJanuary 24, 2011Regional/Joint Committees(con’t)Digby Area Learning AssociationCouncillor AdamsDigby Area TourismAssociationCouncillor Tudor Minutes-November 2010 Digby Area Recreation CommitteeWarden GregoryCouncillor TudorMinutes –November 2010 Staff ReportsDigby Harbour PortAssociationWarden Gregory Minutes-July 2010Digby LibraryCommitteeDeputy Warden MacAlpine No meeting since lastreportFundywebBroadbandDeputy Warden MacAlpine No meeting since lastreportIndustrialCommissionDeputy Warden MacAlpine CouncillorAmero Minutes-June 2010 Kings TransitAuthorityCouncillor Amero Minutes-December 2010 Ridership Report-Nov 2010 Senior SafetyCommitteeCouncillor AdamsCouncillor Tudor Coordinators Report-January 2010 Tideview TerraceWarden GregoryCouncillor Adams Continuing Care Innovation Waste CheckWarden GregoryDeputy Warden MacAlpine Minutes-September 2010 Staff Reports
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Council AgendaJanuary 24, 2011Western CountiesRegional LibraryDeputy Warden MacAlpineCouncil Activity Reports/OtherCommitteesDeputy Warden MacAlpineCouncillor AmeroCouncillor AdamsCouncillor TudorWarden GregoryIn Camera Contractual Issue (2)Adjournment
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Council AgendaJanuary 24, 2011BusinessArising from Minutes/Old Business1.Weymouth WaterfrontDevelopmentCommittee First Reading of Amendment # 11 of Tax Exemption By-law 2000-02 Amendment 11Old Weymouth Library Building2.DeputyWardenMacAlpineCouncillor AmeroCouncillor AdamsCouncillor TudorWarden Linda Gregory
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Council AgendaJanuary 24, 2011NewBusiness# 1Youth Grant RequestAshley Lee Smith, IslandsConsolidated School# 2Jean Brittain, ChairDARC Canadian Curling SeniorsEvent# 3Shelburne Chamber of Commerce Letter of Support# 4DARC-Citizen AppointmentJ.P. Hugh Sproule# 5Councillor TudorFreeport Public Wharf# 6Scotiabank Annual Borrowing Resolution#7Deputy Warden MacAlpine MEDIC (Dr RecruitingCommittee)#8Cookes Aquaculture Letter of Support#9Councillor Tudor Community Sign for FreeportCAOReport# 1Request for Decision or Direction# 2Meeting Dates/Reminders#3Meeting Action Items Update#4Special Project Update#5Payables- November 2010 $ 478,612.03December 2010 $ 488,503.28
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Council AgendaJanuary 24, 2011#6Financial Report-November 30, 2010Correspondence1.NS Association of Realtors-Re Assessment CAP2.NS Labour & Workforce Development-Amendments toNS Building Code Regulations3.Municipal Advisors Report-December 20104.Council CommitteesRecommendationsto Council fromCommittee of the WholeBuilding Inspector Appointment of Cathy Barr as a Municipal BuildingInspectorRecommendationsto Council fromBy-law & Policy CommitteeDog By-law 2006-02First Reading of Amendment to Dog By-law 2006-02TLC Animal ShelterAgreement Contract Agreement
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Council AgendaJanuary 24, 2011AdvisoryCommitteesDigby Source WaterProtection AdvisoryCommitteeWarden Gregory Minutes – October 2010Heritage AdvisoryCommitteeCouncillor AmeroCouncillor AdamsPlanning AdvisoryCommitteeWarden GregoryCouncillor AdamsCouncillor Tudor No meeting since last reportPolice AdvisoryCommitteeWarden GregoryCouncillor AmeroCouncillor AdamsNext Meeting Feb 8th There is 1 citizen positionthat needs to be filledREMO AdvisoryCommitteeWarden GregoryDeputy Warden MacAlpine Minutes – Sept 2010Tri County HousingAuthorityR Fitzgerald Last reported Nov 2010(reports on a quarterly basis)Regional/JointCommitteesAirport WorkingGroupDeputy Warden MacAlpineCouncillor AdamsAnnapolis DigbyEconomicDevelopmentAgencyCouncillor RandallAmero 2010 Mid Year Review Minutes – November 2010 Minutes – December 2010 Digby AnnapolisDevelopment CorpDeputy Warden MacAlpineCouncillor AmeroMeeting scheduled for Feb7th
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Council AgendaJanuary 24, 2011Regional/Joint Committees(con’t)Digby Area Learning AssociationCouncillor AdamsDigby Area TourismAssociationCouncillor Tudor Minutes-November 2010 Digby Area Recreation CommitteeWarden GregoryCouncillor TudorMinutes –November 2010 Staff ReportsDigby Harbour PortAssociationWarden Gregory Minutes-July 2010Digby LibraryCommitteeDeputy Warden MacAlpine No meeting since lastreportFundywebBroadbandDeputy Warden MacAlpine No meeting since lastreportIndustrialCommissionDeputy Warden MacAlpine CouncillorAmero Minutes-June 2010 Kings TransitAuthorityCouncillor Amero Minutes-December 2010 Ridership Report-Nov 2010 Senior SafetyCommitteeCouncillor AdamsCouncillor Tudor Coordinators Report-January 2010 Tideview TerraceWarden GregoryCouncillor Adams Continuing Care Innovation Waste CheckWarden GregoryDeputy Warden MacAlpine Minutes-September 2010 Staff Reports
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Council AgendaJanuary 24, 2011Western CountiesRegional LibraryDeputy Warden MacAlpineCouncil Activity Reports/OtherCommitteesDeputy Warden MacAlpineCouncillor AmeroCouncillor AdamsCouncillor TudorWarden GregoryIn Camera Contractual Issue (2)Adjournment
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