Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Nova Scotia Renewable Energy

establishing Designated Areas and/or Exclusion Zones for the development of large wind farms in Nova Scotia

This is from David Wheeler’s group which is working up recommendations on renewable energy for Darrell Dexter. The formal name is Nova Scotia Renewable Energy Stakeholder Consultation Process. The following quote is from the Draft Synthesis Report by Dr Yves Gagnon of Universite de Moncton dated November 2009.

“...for certain areas, the development of wind farms can generate a lot of opposition, notably if the wind farms have an impact on landscapes that are important for the surrounding communities. A good practice that has been applied in other jurisdictions is to define Designated Areas and/or Exclusion Zones for the development of large wind farms. Since Nova Scotia has an exceptional wind resource, and considering the relatively small absolute quantity of wind energy that can be integrated in the province (because of the relatively small electricity system), it should be relatively easy to identify sufficient locations to install wind farms that will minimize the negative impacts in communities”.

This is one of the more positive things that has come out of this group’s discussions.

The synthesis report was discussed at the group’s meeting last week (Nov 17). Their final stakeholder meeting is Dec 15. They expect to submit a report by the end of the year.

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